
Showing posts from August, 2022

What Higher Ed Can Learn From Homeschooling

Schools like Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Arizona are recruiting homeschooled students. According to the article Exploring academic outcomes of homeschooled students in the Journal of College Admission (Cogan, 2010), “homeschool students possess higher ACT scores, grade point averages (GPAs) and graduation rates when compared to traditionally-educated students.” Bolle-Brummond & Wessel (2012) from Homeschooled students in college in the Journal of Research Education , found that homeschooled students were equally equipped to succeed academically and socially. And in a study examining The impact of homeschooling on the adjustment of college students published in the International Social Science Review , Drenovsky & Cohen (2012) revealed homeschooled students report that they achieve higher academic success in college and view their entire college experience more positively than traditionally educated students. This evidence continues to be reproduc...